GeneAbTM MSH6 [IHC006] on Esophagus
Anti-MSH6 Monoclonal Antibody

Anti-MSH6 Monoclonal Antibody


Regular price $50.00 You Pay

Supplier:  GenomeMe


MutS Homolog 6 (MSH6) is a protein involved in the mismatch-repair pathway. This protein is commonly associated with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, and mutations in this gene are correlated with the development of sporadic colorectal carcinoma. Studies have shown that mutations in MSH6, when co-indicated with mutations in MSH1 and MSH2, contribute to the development of sporadic colorectal carcinoma. Use of Anti-MSH2 is optimized when paired in an IHC panel with MSH6, MLH1, and PMS2.

Clone IHC006
Source Mouse Monoclonal
Positive Control Colon, Colon Carcinoma
Dilution Range 1:100 - 1:200
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