EnzyChrom™ Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor Screening Kit

EnzyChrom™ Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor Screening Kit


Regular price $367.08 You Pay

Supplier: BioAssay Systems

Product Type: Bioassay Kit

Product Descriptions: HTS for inhibitor screening and evaluation of monoamine oxidase inhibitors.Procedure: 35 min. Kit size: 100 tests.Shelf life: 6 months. Shipping: on ice; storage: -20°C.

Test Size: 100

Storage: -20 °C

Shipping: ICE

Product URL: https://www.bioassaysys.com/Monoamine-Oxidase-Inhibitor-Screening-Kit.html

Datasheet: https://www.bioassaysys.com/datasheet/EIMO.pdf